
1. 超過預訂取車時間一小時,且未事先通知者,視同取消訂車,本公司得以更改轉租他人;如欲異動取車日期,優惠條件另議。
Those who exceed the scheduled pick-up time by one hour without prior notice will be deemed to have cancelled the booking, and the company can change the sub-lease to another person; if you want to change the pick-up date, the preferential conditions will be discussed separately.

2. 取消訂車時,訂金將予保留三十日(自取車日起算),如超過三十日仍未使用,則視同放棄。
When canceling the booking, the deposit will be retained for 30 days (from the date of pickup), if it is not used for more than 30 days, it will be regarded as abandoned.

3. 訂金為租金總額之30%,春節期間為租金總額之50%,餘額應於取車時全收付清;訂金請於三日內付訖。
The deposit is 30% of the total rent, and during the Spring Festival, it is 50% of the total rent. The balance should be paid in full when picking up the car; the deposit should be paid within three days.

4. 取車時請出示有效汽車駕照、身分證、等相關證件及預約單,如證件不符規定,本公司保有出車決定權。
When picking up the car, please show a valid car driver's license, ID card, and other related documents and reservation form. If the documents do not meet the requirements, the company reserves the right to decide on the car.

5. 如預訂車輛遇不可抗拒因素無法出車時,本公司得以其他同等級車輛代替或退回訂金。
If the reserved vehicle cannot be driven due to irresistible factors, the company can replace it with another vehicle of the same class or refund the deposit.

6. 如有任何異動,請速與本公司連絡,營業時間:AM08:00 - PM 22:30。
If there is any change, please contact our company immediately. Business hours: AM08:00 - PM 22:30.

7. 連續租車24小時為一日,半天為6小時。
24 hours of continuous rental is one day, half day is 6 hours.


1. 為保護您的權益,承租車輛發生碰撞時,保持現場並報警備案切勿私下和解,立即與本公司聯絡,以免喪失其保險權利。
To protect your rights, lease vehicle collision , keeping the scene and the police do not record private settlement , contact the company immediately , so as not to lose their insurance rights .

2. 承租車輛不得有違法之情事;如酒駕、超載...等,以免喪失其保險權利。
Leased vehicle shall have the illegal circumstances ; such as drunk driving , overloading ... so as to avoid losing their insurance rights .

3. 承租人須於約定時間交還車輛逾時租金,每小時以日租金十分之一計,但事先未取得本公司同意者一小時以五分之一計。
Lessee shall be returned to the rental vehicle at the appointed time OT , one-tenth of an hour to count on rent , but without obtaining the prior consent of the Company for one hour to one-fifth of dollars.

4. 承租車輛請小心駕駛、停放;承租車輛若須維修,以該車輛之原廠或本公司特約服務廠為唯一修理廠,以維持車輛之安全性。

5. 承租人承租之車輛有碰撞或遺失出險者,致無法營業者另需負擔營業損失。
Tenant lease the vehicle collision or loss by the dangerous condition , caused by another person can not be required to burden the business operating loss .

6. 租金不包括汽油,請承租人於合法之加油站自行添加。
Prices do not include gasoline , please tenant in lawful self- service stations to add .